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Thomas Ashton Institute for Risk and Regulatory Research

Programmes and projects

The Thomas Ashton Institute for Risk and Regulatory Research, working with colleagues from across The University of Manchester and beyond, are delivering a wide range of projects.

Active projects

Building a Secure And Resilient World: Research and Coordination Hub (SALIENT)

Led by Dr Richard Kirkham, Deputy Director of the Thomas Ashton Institute for Risk and Regulatory Research, the programme brings University of Manchester academics together with partners from the universities of Bath, Exeter, and Sussex, to catalyse, convene and conduct research and innovation in support of the UK's national security and resilience.

This ambitious five-year investment, funded by the UK Research and Innovation’s building a secure and resilient world strategic theme, will enable the SALIENT team to build strong connections across a broad group of stakeholders in central and local government, the devolved administrations and crucially, the public.

SALIENT will drive interdisciplinary research to tackle some of the UK's most challenging security problems. Their focus will be on robust and secure supply chains, global order in a time of change, technologies used for security and defence, behavioural and cultural resilience, and strengthening resilience in our natural and built environments.

SALIENT aims to:

  • Enhance security across our virtual and physical environments;
  • Strengthen the country’s societal and economic resilience, by improving awareness around the key risks and threats we might be facing;
  • Informing UK decision-making and preparedness.

Read more: SALIENT - Thomas Ashton Institute for Risk and Regulatory Research

Synchronising Society 5.0 Innovations with Built Environment for Sustainable Growth and Yield in Japan

Synchronising Society 5.0 Innovations with Built Environment for Sustainable Growth and Yield in Japan and the UK (SYNERGY-Japan & UK) Network

The Japanese Government's Society 5.0 initiative is a forward-looking approach to integrate science, technology, and innovation for sustainable development, emphasising digital technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation. It aims to foster a resilient and sustainable society, blending cyberspace with physical spaces in a human-centric system. The World Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan, serves as a key milestone in realising Society 5.0, focusing on collaborative innovation to enhance connectivity and quality of life. The United Kingdom (UK)'s active participation underscores a mutual commitment to these innovative goals.

In the context of Society 5.0, the built environment holds critical importance. The integration of AI and automation is growing across multiple scales, from single projects to broader urban and infrastructure development. Both the UK and Japan are promoting the joint creation of sustainable built environments using these innovative technologies. However, effectively applying Society 5.0 principles in the built environment still requires further clarification and development. To this end, this project aims to strengthen the collaboration between the UK and Japan in the built environment, focusing particularly on the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations (AECO) sector. It involves a systematic approach to identify the sector's needs and preferences to align with Society 5.0 principles, followed by creating and testing prototypes. These prototypes will be demonstrated and assessed at the Osaka Expo to develop a collaborative roadmap that guides the practical integration of Society 5.0 concepts into the built environment.

Through this project, we aim not only to advance scientific understanding of the interface between technology and human-centric systems but also to provide practical solutions, identify industry needs and establish a comprehensive strategy for implementation and dissemination.

Safety and Diversity

Exploring the role of psychological diversity for safety-related outcomes.

Supporting the ENSURE safety culture project

The research team assessed the effectiveness of the ENSURE safety and security culture development programme delivered at the Henry Royce Institute​.

Occupational respiratory disease in the renewables industry: a scoping review

As we move towards a greener economy and New Zero, a review of evidence exploring the risks of occupational lung disease (OLD) in the renewable energy sector is important. As the renewable energy sector continues to expand, it is vital to understand and address potential health risks to workers, as well as to build a sustainable and responsible industry.  

There is a knowledge gap regarding the risks of OLD in the renewables sector, and there are currently no reviews considering the impact of exposures in this sector on respiratory health. A thorough review would bridge this knowledge gap, providing critical insights into the risks associated with various tasks and exposures within the sector. 

To ensure that this review is essential and not duplicative, confirmation has been sought that the required information is not already available or being researched elsewhere. Searches of existing literature have been conducted to establishthat significant gaps persist, warranting an in-depth investigation.The report will add to existing knowledge by consolidating and synthesizing available data, highlighting trends, and identifying research areas that require further exploration. This comprehensive review will serve as a valuable resource for policymakers, regulators, industry stakeholders, and researchers, enabling them to make informed decisions and develop targeted interventions to safeguard workers' respiratory health. 

Many workers are employed in the renewable energy sector and the industry is expanding. Workers can be engaged directly in various activities such as manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and decommissioning of renewable energy systems, as well as indirectly in feeder industries. The potential for harm to these workers, if not adequately addressed, can lead to respiratory illnesses, reduced productivity, and increased healthcare costs. As there are already changes in working practices in the renewable energy sector, the timing of this review is important to ensure health and safety practices align accordingly to ensure worker well-being and the sector's sustainable growth. 

This report aligns to strategic goals of both Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the University of Manchester. As an authoritative source on occupational health and safety matters, the HSE leadsefforts to protect people and places, including in emerging industries like renewable energy. For the University of Manchester, contributing to this research aligns with its commitment to cutting-edge interdisciplinary research with real-world impact. It aligns with both organisations’ commitments to reducing carbon emissions and Net Zero targets.  

The team undertaking this review have a strong track record in conducting research on occupational health and safety issues, including experience in epidemiology, clinical respiratory medicine, exposure assessment, risk assessment, and health surveillance.

SAFEFLOW Network – SAFEety and health of FLoating Offshore Wind Network

The SAFEFLOW leadership team from the University of Manchester, University of Hull, and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), have created an ambitious and focused network and consortium that has identified key areas of high impact academic research dedicated to the health, safety, and wellbeing (HSW) of the floating offshore wind (FLOW) sector so that it can be included in the design, construction, and operational processes of floating offshore assets.

A key, and unique, differentiator for the network is in being multi-disciplinary. FLOW is thought of as a mainly engineering and technology domain, but HSW risks to people on the facilities cannot be addressed without essential expertise provided by the social sciences that considers human response to challenges posed by a FLOW facility. The network will bring together the engineering and technology of the FLOW system with human factors disciplines that study how environmental, organisational and job factors, plus human and individual characteristics, influence the behaviour at work - and how that can affect health, safety, and wellbeing. 

Embedding sustainability into project delivery capabilities in government

The Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) accounts for 235 projects with a total whole life cost (WLC) of £678bn and £726bn of monetised benefits; many of these projects form a key part of the government’s commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050. For example, the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology is leading on the delivery of the ‘CCUS Innovation Programme’ – this requires novel technologies to support the deployment of carbon capture, usage and storage across the UK.

Enabling the successful realisation of the economic and societal benefits from investments like CCUS and other GMPP projects will require a strengthening of project delivery skills and capability across the civil service, particularly in the context of sustainability and social value. The GMPP is overseen by a Cabinet Office organisation, the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA). The IPA is also the lead for the project profession in government. It recently published a ‘functional strategy’ as part of a wider suite of policy documents that are aligned, in part, to the NetZero challenge.

The functional strategy emphasises the need to enhance sustainability skills across the project profession, but there is a need to assess the practical steps that are necessary to ensure the most appropriate learning and professional development mechanisms are in place

This project seeks to inform the work of the IPA in this regard, and in discussion with the Director of the Project Delivery Profession (IPA) we have identified two over-arching research questions:

  1. What are the challenges and opportunities to embedding sustainability into long term projects and programmes, within the context of NetZero by 2050?
  2. What are the challenges and opportunities in upskilling project delivery professionals to focus on embedding sustainability into long term projects and programmes? What skills do they need, how do they acquire these, how do they apply them?

Project team

NERC Digital Solutions Programme

The Institute was named as delivery partner in a NERC grant looking at data integration and sharing. The team is building a Digital Solutions Hub (Hub) as a gateway to a broad set of inter-connected toolkits that facilitate improved access and better use of NERC data.  The digital platform will have especially broad impacts on the environment, society and the economy by facilitating easier access and use of NERC data in business, government and society.

The hub aims to build a digital platform and a set of toolkits that facilitate improved access and better use of NERC data, integrated with other datasets (economic, environment, health & social) to support decision making across a range of sectors. It's initial focus will be on two ‘use-cases’, health and climate change.

The platform will work to open standards, be interoperable with data APIs following industry standards and protocols,utilising open source approaches to develop replicable code. The platform will open-up connections to supercomputing resources to run models and simulations to support decision making.

The platform sitson top of a whole range of data from NERC and other partners and connects to computational resources(e.g. JASMIN) to run powerful tools and models on the data.  Other projects will be co-developed as the programme of work evolves over the next 4-5 yearsin collaboration with partners.

Based at The University of Manchester the projects bring together a wealth of expertise in developing digital solutions forreal world problems.  The project is led by Prof Richard Kingston with Prof John Ainsworth, Prof Andy Brass, Prof Hugh Coe, Prof James Evans, Dr Caroline Jay, Prof Sarah Lindley, Dr Maria Sharmina & Dr David Topping.

Find out more on the digital solutions website.

The Health and Occupation Research Network (THOR)

The TAI is supporting the delivery of The Health and Occupation Research Network (THOR), which monitors the incidence of work-related ill-health in the UK and Ireland.

THOR is the only UK-wide surveillance system collecting medically diagnosed case reports of work-related ill-health, with more than 100,000 reports collected since 1989. Four surveillance schemes collect medically certified data on work-related ill-health from medical professionals to estimate the incidence of work-related ill-health and monitor trends over time.

THOR is run by the Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) at The University of Manchester. The COEH engages in research and education concerning the relationship between the environment and human health, with special reference to occupational and other environmental factors. The work is partly funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Find out more on the THOR website.

Enhancing Regulatory Decision Making

This research will address the issue of effective regulation through the concept of the "mindful regulator". This draws its theoretical basis from high-reliability organisations, and the concept of "safety mindfulness". A mindful approach to regulation focuses on the ability to simultaneously build a trustful relationship with organisations, while maintaining an ability to detect potential safety failures. 

These are trainable skills that can be taught, developed and refined. Our project will aim to identify, develop and evaluate these capabilities of safety inspectors, in partnership with major UK regulators. 

We have three main aims:

  • To develop a theoretical model of the mindful regulator.
  • To test this model through the design and implementation of an intervention, using a rigorous random control trial (RCT) design.
  • To develop the skills and capacities of UK regulators.

Project team

  • Sharon Clarke, The University of Manchester.
  • Sara Willis, The University of Manchester.

High-Performance Graphene Enhanced Cement: A revolutionary Innovation in Low Carbon Manufacturing Process

High-Performance Graphene Enhanced Cement: A revolutionary Innovation in Low Carbon Manufacturing Process

Completed projects

Development of safety culture and safety performance at Naval Ships Govan

The project builds on existing work on safety culture, safety leadership and rule compliance to identify significant cultural issues and develop an intervention to help address these. 

It will aim to answer 2 research questions:

  • How can we encourage the development of a positive safety culture at Naval Ships Govan?
  • What interventions might be developed and implemented to improve safety leadership, encourage rule compliance, and reduce accidents? 

The evidence base for OSH leading indicators

Management of occupational safety & health (OSH) entails the implementation of robust performance metrics, often regarded as OSH leading indicators (LIs). The project, funded by the Lloyds Register Foundation aims to collect evidence on how OSH LIs have been used and linked with safety outcomes in high-risk industries around the globe.

Project Team

  • Akilu Yunusa-Kaltungo
  • Clara Cheung
  • Patrick Manu
  • Haleh Sadeghi
  • Vicky Turner
  • Colleagues from Lloyds Register Foundation

Building Safety Network

Building on interdisciplinary UoM expertise in housing safety, standards and policy, the goal of the Building Safety Network (BSN) is to create a community of scholars, industry experts, officials and representative bodies who together will help inform the future of building safety policy and practice through internationally excellent co-produced research.  

The programme of activity stimulated by the network will re-energise attempts to tackle entrenched problems within a sector that is scarred by the tragedy at Grenfell and stymied by fragmented relationships between designers, constructors, building owners, managers and residents. The network’s activities will be set within a genuinely transdisciplinary environment – bridging the expertise of the School of Engineering and the School of Social Sciences with the needs of building residents. The BSN will create a community of UK-based expertise, engaging experts from fields ranging from high-risk safety engineering to anthropology of the built environment.

It aims to amplify interdisciplinary research approaches to building safety and promote knowledge exchange across boundaries to address under-explored dimensions of risk, trust, quality, procurement, management and transparency.

Development of a Safety Culture Model

The aim of the research is to develop a model, which specifies the key dimensions of organisational safety culture in UK nuclear industries.

The model will support the UK nuclear regulator (Office for Nuclear Regulation, ONR) in its regulatory duties, and the UK nuclear industry in efforts to improve nuclear safety. In addition, based on this model, the research will develop and validate a survey to measure safety culture at UK-based nuclear sites.

Project team

  • Sharon Clarke, The University of Manchester
  • Darren Clement, The University of Manchester
  • David Holman, The University of Manchester
  • David Hughes, The University of Manchester
  • Helen Kreissl, The University of Manchester
  • Lina Siegl, The University of Manchester
  • Vicky Turner, The University of Manchester
  • Colleagues from ONR

A Work And Health Research Data (AWAHRD) Platform

Employment can have an important impact on our physical as well as mental health. It provides support, income, purpose and structure to the day and being out of work or the threat of unemployment can lead to poor physical and mental health.

Moreover, poor working conditions can also be a cause of mental and physical ill-health, such as stress and lung diseases. It is difficult to find out if efforts to improve the health of workers or help their return-to-work after periods of sickness or unemployment are effective. Existing health datasets, such as those held by GPs or the data that hospitals collect, are often used in health research. However, these health datasets rarely hold information on employment and on the types of jobs people have. This means that it is very difficult to study how work affects people's health, how health impacts their ability to work and if measures to assist people to stay in or return-to-work are effective.

Understanding these issues can benefit both workers and employers. Therefore, it is essential that we improve the data on work that is collected and link these data with existing health records to conduct high quality research in the areas of work and health. This project will look to improve on the ways how work and health data can successfully be used in research.

We will review, collect and combine existing datasets that contain information on work, such as job type, workplace risks, as well as datasets with information on health outcomes. We will capitalise and build on recent work that brings together over 20 long-term UK studies that have collected data on people's health and wellbeing, some containing employment and job information, and most already linked to health records. We will explore how data from these and other studies can be linked to sources that provide more detailed information on work, such as data collected for tax and benefit purposes.

We will develop an important data resource for work and health research in the UK that can be used to measure the effect of policies and other interventions on the health of the UK workforce. This will have long-term benefits to workers, their families, employers and society.

Design for Safety (DfS) in Construction

The construction industry is notorious for its poor occupational safety and health (OSH) performance. The industry accounts for about 30% of worker deaths in Malaysia. Design for Safety (DfS) is one of the mechanisms for preventing or reducing the risk of accidents and injuries in construction.

This project initiates a collaboration between The University of Manchester and Universiti Teknologi MARA on DfS. DfS has received increasing attention in various countries, as part of the effort to enhance the practice of designing out’ OSH risks at the early design stages in construction. In the UK, Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) has been introduced to mandate the DfS practices since 1995 and recently revised in 2015.

The lessons learnt from the UK could assist the implementation of the OSHCI(M) guidelines into Malaysian legislation, and build the foundation of DfS research landscape and industry maturity. Thus, this collaboration aims to promote the exchange of research and practitioner expertise and experiences on DfS through multi-dimensional scholarly activities.

Project team

  • Akilu Yunusa-Kaltungo, The University of Manchester
  • Sheila Belayutham, Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Clara Cheung, The University of Manchester

  • Khairil Izam Ibrahim, Universiti Teknologi MARA

  • Yen Kuek, British Council Malaysia
  • Patrick Manu, The University of Manchester
  • Ahmad Razif Mohamad, Might Malaysia
  • Vicky Turner, The University of Manchester
  • Mazlina Zaira, Universiti Teknologi MARA

Discovering Safety

The programme works with industry, academics and governments from the global community, generating bespoke solutions for local contexts, including the challenges faced in developing countries.

Colleagues from the institute are delivering projects in text mining and construction risk knowledge management using BIM.

Project Reports

You can find out more about Discovering Safety on its dedicated website.

Feasibility of Linking Data Sets to Support HSE’s Health and Work Evaluation Support

One of the main historical challenges in the UK for occupational health research to inform and support the HSE policy activities is the lack of good quality occupational data in routinely collected health records, such as primary care records (CPRD) and Hospital Episode Statistics. Death certificates do contain information on occupation, but there are questions on the quality of the occupational information on death certificates.

However, the UK data science landscape is now entering an important new phase, where advances such as the Digital Economy Act 2017 (DEA) and the development of 'Trusted Research Environments' (TRE) for secure analysis of citizen data at scale are offering novel opportunities for cross-departmental data sharing and the acceptable co-location of sensitive data within secure analytical environments.

Our academic led collaboration is uniquely well-placed to advise HSE on these opportunities through delivering this feasibility study - where we will provide strong, comprehensive and informed analysis to support HSEs policy implementation strategy.

Our collaboration includes national experts in:

  1. occupational health and exposure sciences
  2. data science governance, legal gateways and infrastructure
  3. mental health epidemiology

To deliver HSE's objectives we will undertake two high-level tasks:

(1) To assess the breadth of data potentially available to HSE relating both to the exposures of interest (occupation and employment, and sub-groups of these) and the health outcomes of interest (primarily stress and mental health, but also physical health outcomes, such as musculoskeletal and respiratory diseases, and cancers), to document the content, coverage and strengths and weaknesses and to determine the suitability of these for HSEs strategy.

(2) To understand the routes to access these data for HSE, other government departments and academic partners. This has allowed, for example, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Administrative Data Research UK (ADRUK) to support different government departments to link data, at a population level, and to deposit these in the ONS TRE for secure research (for example, the 'Longitudinal Educational Outcomes' initiative links all of the Pupils' whose data are in the National Pupil Database to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) employment and welfare outcomes records for policy analysis as to differential progression into productive workplace labour. These opportunities are now open to HSE, although the governance considerations around this are complex as the DEA excludes the ability to link health data to administrative data - which is the primary objective of this HSE feasibility study. The eventual solution to this challenge is currently impacted by new NHS policy in this area - for the development of 'Secure Data Environments' for the use of health records in research. The NHS are currently developing the regulatory framework for these - the outcome of which will heavily influence the potential for HSE's research ambition.

Health Science framework projects

The institute was appointed as preferred supplier for the provision of health-related research services to provide specialist technical support to HSE for input into multidisciplinary science research projects, contributing to their Health at Work priorities. Technical support is provided in the areas of health research and associated data analysis and longitudinal epidemiological workplace studies looking at current and cumulative (retrospective) exposure as well as information on health status and well being.

Projects awarded under the framework to date

Demographics - 2 Rapid Evidence Assessments

The project team will undertake two rapid evidence reviews to understand how certain key issues have changed during the post COVID-19 world. The reviews will document research completed or currently being undertaken and, where possible, identify evidence gaps. The evidence reviews will inform and underpin HSE’s demographic scientific programme and priority research in associated areas. 

  • Review 1: A demographic picture of the construction sector to identify and document what research is being done on the impact of COVID-19 on construction sector workers, that specifically relates to health and safety risks to different demographic groups, including older workers.   
  • Review 2: Employers attitudes and behaviours - workplace communication: to identify and document any evidence on employers’ attitudes, behaviours and competencies around communicating with workers about health and safety in light of COVID-19.

Developing an exposure intelligence system

The overall aim of this project was to assess the feasibility of developing an occupational exposure-control intelligence system (OccECIS), using respirable crystalline silica (RCS) as a worked example.  The idea is that OccECIS will enable the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and its stakeholders to target their intervention activities to control exposures to agents that cause respiratory diseases in workplaces in Great Britain.  This could be, for example, across whole industries or industry sectors, in a particular occupation across a number of industries, or in a particular scenario, such as a specific occupation within a specific industry.

The project recently secured additional funding to explore the practicalities of developing an exposure database, with key stakeholders from industry, academia, and the HSE.

Read the feasabilty report: A Feasibility Study for Developing an Occupational Exposure-Control Intelligence System in Great Britain (using Respirable Crystalline Silica as the Working Example)

Systematic review of respiratory health surveillance

Occupational health surveillance (HS) is a scheme of repeated health checks that are used to identify ill health caused by work.  Health and Safety law in Great Britain required health surveillance by employers be put in place when workers remain exposed to health risks even after exposure mitigation measures have been put in place.  This is because such control measures may not always be reliable, despite appropriate checking, training and maintenance. The aim of this research was to carry out a systematic review of the scientific evidence underpinning respiratory HS, to make recommendations about whether The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) current guidance on respiratory HS should be changed, and to identify any important knowledge gaps.  

Mining of Polyhalite, dust - exposure, control, and respiratory health

Currently, little is known about the impact of polyhalite dust on mineworkers health and wellbeing or the effectiveness of monitoring the impact. This evaluation will examine the issues through consultation with OH practitioners, providing essential evidence for a more detailed study, including the feasibility of examining health and wellbeing issues with employees involved in polyhalite production. 

Shellfish allergens

The aim is to conduct a pilot study to explore the association between exposure to fish and shellfish allergens and (respiratory and skin) ill-health.

Improving design for safety

Since the Health & Safety at Work Act was deployed in 1974 there has been incremental improvements from: legislation, working practices and behavioural safety. However, human error still accounts for 96% of all accidents according to the HSE. Safety culture is the next natural step in the evolution of Health and safety. 

Tended are creating a digital Safety Culture Tool, which is an MVP product with a basic level survey and analysis. Tended aim to incrementally upgrade the product, as they gain more sophisticated knowledge about sentiment analysis, psychometric inventories and safety culture taxonomies.   

In order to achieve a bespoke tool, Tended require the research and development capabilities of The University of Manchester in the areas of safety culture and capability maturity modelling.  The outcomes of this project will inform and shape the upgrades within the functionality of the tool, and will provide empirical evidence that the whole system is scientifically proven to be reliable and valid.  This will give Tended clients absolute confidence in the product and consequent changes to safety. The project will take a collaborative approach, maximising the opportunity for knowledge exchange between the partners.

Working with Tended will provide the University team with access to data for research, and build a relationship leading to further opportunity for collaboration. It is anticipated that the project will develop additional avenues for research and knowledge exchange between The University of Manchester and Tended. 

The project will provide a scientific foundation for the Safety Culture Tool, by validating and developing the safety maturity matrix and corresponding question sets. The university will gain further knowledge of safety cultures, as we share data and collaborate with high profile organisations. We have already secured Rolls Royce, Bouygues, Siemens and Bachy to partner with us to trial the product.  

The ultimate goal for this project is to form the foundation for a KTP project to further develop the Safety Culture Tool, to create a fully working taxonomy of safety culture. 

How body camera use influences rates of violence and aggression against staff.

This project sought to examine the role of third-party workplace violence and aggression (V&A) directed to employees by members of the public.

Through our workplace Violence and agression network (VARN), researchers had the opportunity to work with an organisation who wished to gain insight into the impact of the use of body worn video (BWV) cameras on V&A incidents on civil enforcement officers (commonly referred to as traffic wardens). The research is valuable to them to encourage the provision / permission of BWV in the local authorities they work with.

Project team

  • Sheena Johnson, The University of Manchester
  • Kara Ng, The University of Manchester
  • Helen Beers, HSE
  • Eleanor Kinman, HSE

Keeping the UK Building Safely - KUBS

As part of Theme 6 of the PROTECT study, the Keeping the UK Building Safely (KUBS) project is improving our understanding of the construction sector’s efforts to build ‘COVID-secure’ workplaces.

Evidence collected by the KUBS project will be used to support the sector to reduce transmission of the COVID-19 virus, and keep building safely and productively as the UK economy unlocks.

The KUBS project is structured around key workstreams, identified through engagement with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and construction industry stakeholders: transmission, technology, data and simulation, leadership, and construction project delivery.

The KUBS research team is led by Professor Neil Bourne.

Read the Phase 1 Report Keeping the UK Building Safely: A scoping study and learn more about the KUBS project on the PROTECT National Core Study website

Machine learning-powered safety leading indicators for enhancing safety performance in high risk industries

To improve occupational safety and health (OSH) performance, high-risk industries (e.g.the construction sector),have relied on lagging indicators(e.g.injuryrates). However, most lagging indicators are reactive and cannot convey the reasons for poor OSH performance.

Under the circumstances, a more proactive approach has been proposed by using OSH leading indicators (e.g. safety training) as complementary measures of OSH performance. Emex is creating a digital OSH leading indicators tool, which helps clients in high-risk industries to track OSH leading indicators and performance.

By working with the UoM’s team, Emex aims to gain sophisticated knowledge about the validity of OSH leading indicators, and the interaction effects among them associated with OSH performance, which will shape the functionality upgrades of the tool and provide empirical evidence that it is scientifically proven to be valid and reliable.

The project outputs will create a robust foundation to improve Emex’s OSH leading indicator tool. It is hoped that the tool will become a standard to improve OSH performance in high-risk industries. The university will gain further knowledge of OSH management through collaborating with high profile clients of Emex,such as Kaz Minerals and Titan Cement. The ultimate goal for this project is to apply for a KTP grant to develop an AI-enabled OSH leading indicators tool and further.

Project Team

  • Clara Cheung
  • Patrick Manu
  • Obuks Ejohwomu
  • Matthew Thorpe
  • Akinloluwa Babalola
  • Zoya Anwar
  • Helen Kreissl
  • Vicky Turner
  • Darren Clement

PROTECT COVID-19 National Core Study on transmission and environment

The PROTECT COVID-19 National Core Study on transmission and environment is a UK-wide research programme improving our understanding of how SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is transmitted from person to person, and how this varies in different settings and environments. This improved understanding will enable more effective measures to stop transmission, saving lives and getting society back towards ‘normal’.

The PROTECT study is made up of six themes that use a complementary variety of research methods and scientific disciplines to address the research questions from different angles – including microbiology, building science, behavioural science and mathematical modelling – and ensure findings are turned into practical tools and advice for policymakers.

Led by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor Andrew Curran, this critical work is being delivered by more than 70 researchers from 16 institutions across the UK. The PROTECT study began in October 2020, as part of the COVID-19 National Core Studies programme spearheaded by UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance. It is funded by HM Treasury until March 2023, with the final year focused on making findings more accessible and ensuring the programme’s legacy for future pandemic preparedness and the ongoing management of endemic respiratory diseases.

Learn more about the PROTECT project

Provision of an Independent Assessment of ONR’s Regulatory Oversight Culture

The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) are committed to carrying out an assessment of its regulatory culture, and have engaged colleagues from the Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS) to carry out this task. The assessment will be wide ranging and will cover all of ONR's regulatory purposes, corporate functions and locations. A key part of this assessment will involve the research team seeking the views of key external stakeholders.

The two key aims of the assessment are: to determine the extent to which ONR culture supports them to achieve their mission: to protect society by securing safe nuclear operations; and  to provide recommendations which will allow them to learn lessons to further strengthen it's regulatory culture. 

The UoM team will be supported by an internal multi-disciplinary team at ONR.  The team will be using recognised techniques, including interviews, focus groups and observations, which will involve engagement with stakeholders where everybody’s feedback will be considered.

This phase of the project will begin over the summer and is expected to last until late Autumn 2022.  This will be followed by extensive analysis of the data from which colleagues will draw out key themes and patterns, and provide meaningful insight on ONR's culture, and the extent to which it supports them in achieving it's mission.

These findings will be then published externally in a report in Spring 2023.  

Project team

  • Sharon Clarke, The University of Manchester
  • David Holman, The University of Manchester
  • David Hughes, The University of Manchester
  • Helen Kreissl, The University of Manchester
  • Lina Siegl, The University of Manchester
  • Vicky Turner, The University of Manchester
  • Colleagues from ONR

Study to research role of delivery workers in preventing COVID-19 transmission

The University of Manchester is to carry out one of 21 new studies into the novel coronavirus funded by the UK Government. Professor Martie van Tongeren and Dr Hua Wei will lead a £300,000 study into the role of gig workers and delivery supply chains in preventing disease transmission. The team will be working with companies in this sector to collect data on deliveries to construct mathematical models.

The models will determine how the delivery sector contributes to minimising the risk of spreading the disease. They will also set out the impact of additional measures to protect the workers and reduce infection risk during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The study will inform the UK’s policy making in social distancing and coordination of supply chains as a key component of national response to pandemics.

This second round of projects receive £14.1 million as part of the £24.6 million rapid research response funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and by the Department of Health and Social Care through the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

Read more about the project.

Bio-electronic monitoring of light exposure and circadian rhythms

Light is the most influential environmental regulator of biological rhythms, capable of suppressing sleep and enhancing cognitive functions; impacting endocrine systems and gross physiology; and resetting the phase of circadian clocks. However, it is currently very difficult to monitor long term light exposure that is matched to the photoreceptor sites in the eye, particularly taking into account the non-visual effects of light in humans, and how this varies for an individual.

This project involves the creation and testing of flexible wearable devices for light sensing. This will involve electronic circuit and instrumentation design, app creation for data collection, signal processing for analysis and data cleaning purposes.

Work will begin by creating standard FR4 rigid PCBs for prototype multi-spectral light sensing wearables. We will then aim to create a flexible electronics prototype, using Kapton or printed Silver on PEN to use highly flexible substrates which are conformal with the skin, following all of its contours to get a better signal and longer lasting connection to the body. Conformal electronics are seen as the next generation human body sensor platform. By attaching directly to the skin they can provide very long term and high quality recordings. They are also very discrete and socially acceptable. Ultimately we aim to design a multi-spectral light sensor which can be manufactured via screen/inkjet printing rather than using Printed Circuit Board (PCB) technologies as in conventional wearables.

The project is a Wellcome Trust funded collaboration between the Non-invasive bioelectronics group, the Centre for Biological Timings and the Thomas Ashton Institute.

Proposals in development

The following proposals are currently under development, or have been submitted and are awaiting a decision - they are being supported by the Institute and the core team:

  • Provision and management of a Work-Related Illness Reporting Scheme – Republic of Ireland Health and Safety Authority
  • Digital-Occupational Safety and Health Network
  • The Health and Occupation Research Network (THOR) UK - 1 year extension
  • The changing landscape of occupational training needs and competencies of occupational health & safety professionals to address the hazards and diseases in today’s workforce - IOSH
  • Building Safer and Healthier Skies: Unveiling the Power of Algorithmic Management in the UK Construction (SHAPE-UK)
  • Mortality and cancer incidence of British asbestos workers undergoing regular medical examinations (1971 to 2021 ): A joint proposal by the University of Manchester and the Health and Safety Executive. Colt Foundation
  • ALGEDONIC – AI for Levels of Governance of Emerging Digital Occupations and New Industrial Conditions
  • Develop research around climate/net zero and occupational health (what are the impacts of climate change and the net zero policies on health of UK workforce)
  • The wider determinants of health on the ability of young people with juvenile onset chronic diseases to engage with education and employment
  • Next generation PPE for the nuclear industry
  • Building Safer and Healthier Skies: Unveiling the Power of Algorithmic Management in the UK Construction (SHAPE-UK). Institute of Occupational Health 
  • Mortality and cancer incidence of British asbestos workers undergoing regular medical examinations (1971 to 2021): A joint proposal by the University of Manchester and the Health and Safety Executive. Colt foundation February 2024. 
  • Learning from Incident Investigations, partnership with the Hazards Forum. Lloyds Registry Foundation.