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Thomas Ashton Institute for Risk and Regulatory Research


Both partners have strong ties to UK and global governments that have already seen two projects delivered and more being proposed.

The Thomas Ashton Institute has successfully delivered its first two projects to the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA), based in both the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury of UK Government. These projects focussed on:

  • Behavioural Change within Transformational Projects
  • ICT Legacy within Transformational Projects

Working with various government departments, each team interviewed civil servants at a variety of levels and conducted a desk based review of published literature and internal government reviews. The resulting presentations, papers and toolkits were delivered to the Chief Executive of the IPA during June 2017.

Project X is an ESRC funded research collaboration between government, academia and industry representatives. Led by Thomas Ashton Institute theme lead Dr Richard Kirkham, and others, its aim is to generate unique insights into the performance of major projects and programmes in Government, insights that can be used to drive continuous improvement in performance and delivery confidence.

The Association for Project Management (APM) and Project X have published a new report, which explores the current global landscape of project studies research and makes recommendations for future scholarship and practice in the field. The report is sponsored by the APM and authored by colleagues at The University of Bath, The University of Hull and University of Manchester.